
The Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config class provides a simple way for creating flexible data collections. It implements the ArrayAccess interface so you can iterate on it as on a standard array.


Initializing config

Pass an array of options on class initialization.

use Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config;

$config = new Config(['textdomain' => 'theme-textdomain']);

// $config: class Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config()

Getting all configuration values as an array

If you want to get a standard array with your configuration options, call all method or directly cast config variable to an array.

(array) $config;

// ['textdomain' => 'theme-textdomain']

Getting single configuration values

You can get a single configuration value with get method and option name as the argument.


// 'theme-textdomain'

Setting single configuration values

You may also set configuration options after creating. Run set method with the option name to update as a first argument and new value as second.

$config->set('textdomain', 'new-textdomain');
$config['textdomain'] = 'new-textdomain';

// ['textdomain' => 'new-textdomain']

Checking whether there an entry in configuration

The has method verifies if an option exists in the configuration.

$config->has('textdomain');   // true
$config->has('missing');      // false

isset($config['textdomain']); // true
isset($config['missing']);    // false



Allows for modifying a configuration value of the specific option on getting.

add_filter('tonik/gin/config/get/key', function($value) {
  return ucfirst($value);


Allows for modifying a configuration value of the specific option when setting.

add_filter('tonik/gin/config/set/key', function($value) {
  return ucfirst($value);
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