Server requirements
This theme follows WordPress recommended requirements. Your server must fulfill following requirements:
- At least PHP >= 7.0
- MySQL >=5.6 or MariaDB >=10.0
- The mod_rewrite Apache module
Installing a Theme
Download or clone theme repository to the wp-content/themes directory.
# @ /wp-content/themes
# Clone repository to the themes folder.
$ git clone<repository>/<theme-name>.git <theme-name>
Go into theme directory and run following commands to resolve dependencies and build a theme.
# @ /wp-content/themes
# Change directory to the cloned folder.
$ cd <theme-name>
# @ /wp-content/themes/<theme-name>
# Install required composer dependences (without these needed only to development).
$ composer install -o --no-devs
# @ /wp-content/themes/<theme-name>
# Install required npm dependences for building a theme.
$ npm install
All files inside public/
directory are ignored, it's recommended to not store compiled assets inside the repository. This requires us to build theme after each deploy.
# @ /wp-content/themes/<theme-name>
# Build theme assets for production.
$ npm run prod