Helper functions

Starter provides a variety of global "helper" functions. They facilitate the use of starter foundation modules and functionalities. You can reach them at any moment inside your theme components.

All helper functions should be stored in app/helpers.php file. Feel free to define your own functions there.


Helper function for accessing global Theme Service Container. Read more about usage in Theme Service Container documentation.

Calling without any parameter returns whole theme container object.

use function Tonik\Theme\App\theme;

$theme = theme();

// $theme: class Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Theme()

You can easily resolve services from the container by calling theme($key) function with service registration key.

use function Tonik\Theme\App\theme;

$config = theme('config');

// $config: class Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config()

You can resolve services with additional parameters by passing it in the second argument.

theme('config', ['key' => 'value']);


Alias function for resolving theme configuration defined in config/app.php file.

The argumentless call will give you an instance of Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config class which implement the ArrayAccess interface, so you can iterate on it like on a standard array. Learn more in Config documentation.

use function Tonik\Theme\App\config;

$config = config();

// $config: class Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config(['textdomain' => 'textdomain-slug'])

You can also resolve direct configuration values. Simply run config function with option key as an argument.

use function Tonik\Theme\App\config;

$textdomain = config('textdomain');

// $textdomain: 'textdomain-slug'


Makes easy to render template parts stored in separated files. Accepts file path as the first argument and an array of values as the second argument. More detailed usage description here: Template documentation.

<!-- @ resources/templates/partials/button.tpl.php -->
<button><?= $title ?></button>
use function Tonik\Theme\App\template;

template('partials/button', ['title' => 'Click me']);

// Outputs: <button>Click me</button>

You can also pass file path as an array. This allows you to render altered variants of a specific template.

<!-- @ resources/templates/partials/button-input.tpl.php -->
<input type="submit" value="<?= $title ?>">
use function Tonik\Theme\App\template;

template(['partials/button', 'input'], ['title' => 'Click me']);

// Outputs: <input type="submit" value="Click me">


Returns an instance of Tonik\Gin\Asset\Asset class and gives you the ability to pull information like directory or URL of pulled asset. More detailed description in Asset documentation.

use function Tonik\Theme\App\asset;

$asset = asset('css/app.css');

// $asset: class Tonik\Gin\Asset\Asset()


Simplifies retrieving URLs of the theme's static assets.

use function Tonik\Theme\App\asset;

$path = asset_path('css/app.css');

// $path: '<website-address>/wp-content/themes/<theme-name>/public/css/app.css'

It's especially helpful while registering application stylesheets and scripts or referencing images.

wp_enqueue_style('app', asset_path('css/app.css'));
<img src="<?= asset_path('images/logotype.png') ?>">
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