
The Tonik\Gin\Template\Template class provides a fluent API for working with theme template files.


Initializing template

Template class requires the Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config instance to be injected with templates, paths and directories properties setup.

use Tonik\Gin\Template\Template;
use Tonik\Gin\Foundation\Config;

$config = new Config([
  'templates' => [
    'extension' => '.tpl.php'
  'paths' => [
    'directory' => get_template_directory(),
  'directories' => [
    'templates' => 'resources/templates'

$template = new Template($config);

Now you can set template file path as relative to the resources/templates directory.

// resources/templates/content.tpl.php

By passing an array of two names, you can set variance of the template. This mechanism is borrowed directly form get_template_part() function. Visit codex for more details.

// resources/templates/content-empty.tpl.php
$template->setFile(['content', 'empty']);

Getting template relative path

Gets template path relatively to the project root directory.


// 'resources/templates/content.tpl.php'

Getting template directory path

Gets full directory path to the template on your server.


// 'website/directory/resources/templates/button.tpl.php'

Rendering template

A template can be outputted with render method.

<!-- @ resources/templates/content.tpl.php -->
<main>Lorem ipsum.</main>

Of course, you can pass various data to the template with an associative array as the method argument. Key will become a variable name.

<!-- @ resources/templates/content.tpl.php -->
<main><?= $title =></main>
$template->render(['text' => 'Lorem ipsum.']);



Allows for changing filenames of templates on rendering run.

add_filter('tonik/gin/template/filename', function($name) {
  if ($name === 'button.php') {
     return 'button-changed.php';


Filter for changing values of passed context of a specified template on rendering. The {template} section is dynamic and should take the value of a template relative path in resources/templates directory.

add_filter('tonik/gin/template/context/button.php', function($context) {
  $context['title'] = 'New title!';

  return $context;
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