Adding shortcodes

Shortcodes allow you to easily embed a dynamic content into the body of a page or post as a simple string.

You should register your custom shortcodes in app/Structure/shortcodes.php with add_shortcode function. Start with determining the structure of your custom shortcode.

[shortcode attr="attribute"]Content[/shortcode]

Next, register shortcode handler function.

namespace Tonik\Theme\App\Structure;

function render_shortcode($atts, $content)
  // $atts: ['attr' => 'attribute']
  // $content: 'Content'
add_shortcode('shortcode', 'Tonik\Theme\App\Structure\render_shortcode');


Rendering button with template() helper function

You may use template() function to render markup of elements. It is a great way to maintain separation of presentation logic and business logic.

Your handler function needs to return a string instead of outputting. We can achieve this by starting output buffer before using template function and returning a content of the buffer from the handler.

namespace Tonik\Theme\App\Structure;

function render_button_shortcode($atts, $content)
  $attributes = shortcode_atts([
    'href' => '#'
  ], $atts);


  template('shortcodes/button', compact('attributes', 'content'));

  return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('button', 'Tonik\Theme\App\Structure\render_button_shortcode');
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