Autoloading components

Dividing code into files improves project organization and readability. However, requiring all these files manually can be tough and make a mess really fast.

In order to make it easier, the starter brings simple loading system for theme's components files. It uses localize_template() under the hood and supports child theme overriding.

Registered files are autoloaded on theme bootstrap in functions.php file.


You can register components in the config/app.php configuration file with autoload option. It holds a list of file paths which will be autoloaded. Remember, order on the list matters, paths should be entered as relative to the app/ directory.

Note! Make sure that helpers.php file is registered first. All other components usually make use of helper functions inside.

'autoload' => [


Visit Autoloader guide if you looking for API documentation.

In order to autoload your own new component, add a new entry to the autoload list. For example, you created app/Structure/settings.php file, so to autoload it enter Structure/settings.php path to the list.

'autoload' => [
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