Registering stylesheets and scripts


Inside your theme's config/app.json you will find assets property. It holds a list of file paths which will be processed by the builder and outputted to the public directory.

As you can see, by default, we already building main stylesheets and scripts of theme and framework.

"assets": {
  "app": [

  "foundation": [

Let's assume you need to add additional script. It will be loaded separately, only on the specific page.

1. Create new assets files.

Of course, you have to start with creating an actual file in a proper resources/assets folder.

2. Add assets to the builder list

Provide an array of assets file paths to the assets list. They should be registered under a unique property key name.

"assets": {
  "app": [

  "foundation": [

  "shop-finder": [

3. Register and enqueue assets in WordPress

Your assets should be enqueued inside app/Http/assets.php file in register_stylesheets or register_scripts functions which are hooked to the wp_enqueue_scripts action.

For referencing paths for assets you should use the asset_path() function. You can learn more about this function in Helper functions documentation.

 * Registers theme stylesheet files.
 * @return void
function register_stylesheets() {
  wp_enqueue_style('foundation', asset_path('css/foundation.css'));
  wp_enqueue_style('app', asset_path('css/app.css'));

  if (is_page('shops')) {
    wp_enqueue_style('shop-finder', asset_path('css/shop-finder.css'));
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'Tonik\Theme\App\Http\register_stylesheets');
 * Registers theme script files.
 * @return void
function register_scripts() {
  wp_enqueue_script('foundation', asset_path('js/foundation.js'), ['jquery'], null, true);
  wp_enqueue_script('app', asset_path('js/app.js'), ['foundation'], null, true);

  if (is_page('shops')) {
    wp_enqueue_script('shop-finder', asset_path('js/shop-finder.js'), ['jquery'], null, true);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'Tonik\Theme\App\Http\register_scripts');

4. Run theme builder

Finally, you have to run builder to compile newly added assets.

# @ wp-content/themes/<theme-name>
npm run dev
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