

Starter uses special placeholder strings for various theme details and information (like name, description and project textdomain), so you can simply find and replace it with your editor.

Our CLI can fill these fields for you. More details in the next section.

Here a list of all used placeholders with descriptions:

  • {{ }} - Theme name.
  • {{ theme.url }} - URL to the theme.
  • {{ theme.description }} - Theme short description.
  • {{ theme.version }} - Theme version number.
  • {{ }} - Theme author name.
  • {{ }} - Website of theme author.
  • {{ theme.textdomain }} - Theme textdomain string for gettext localization.

Initiating with CLI

Starter comes with simple CLI and tonik command, which allows you to easily fill these theme details and information. Simply call vendor/bin/tonik command in the theme root directory. A setup wizard will guide you through the entire process.

# Run setup wizard.
$ vendor/bin/tonik

Take a note that a path to CLI file may be different if you specified custom vendor folder localization in composer.json file.

Configuration Files

General configuration settings of a theme are stored in the config/ directory and main style.css file.


Standard theme stylesheet file. Defines all details about the theme displayed in the admin panel. Refer to Codex for more information.


Configuration for theme structure paths, files to autoload and other settings of core functionalities. Each option has a short description to let you know about the usage.

You can easily access these configuration values using the global config helper function. Read about this in Helper functions documentation.


This configuration file is used by theme builder during the build process. It defines a list of front-end assets used by a theme. It also setups builder and development settings.

You will find a complete guide about handling theme assets in Registering stylesheet and scripts and Development documentation.

Environment configuration

It is useful to have different builder configuration based on the environment where the application is running. For example, developers may use various local development stacks and may need to set up different BrowserSync configurations.

Inside a theme's root folder you will find a sample .env.example file. Rename the file to .env and adjust variables inside as needed. Review the file build/app.config.js file to see all available environment variables.

Your .env file should not be committed to your application's source control.

Setting up BroswerSync

BroswerSync can monitor your files for changes and automatically refresh browser for you. Configure its settings in .env file and start Webpack's development server using the npm run watch command. Now, after every file modification, your changes will be instantly reflected in the browser.


For example, if you are using Wocker, simply pass wocker.test domain as a proxy field value. After you should be able to visit your WordPress installation at http://localhost:3000/ address.


Linting project Stylesheets

You can configure linting rules for the project in .stylelintrc file. By default, starter setups only 4 space indentation. It doesn't enforce you to uncomfortable settings, so feel free to add here your own set of rules. You can find all available rules on Stylelint website.

  "rules": {
    "indentation": 4

Linting project JavaScript

JavaScript linting rules can be configured in .eslintrc file. You can find all available rules on ESLint website.

  "rules": {
    "indent": ["error", 2]
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